Robot Game to Show Your Skills and Battle for Victory - Trigram Robot SUMO

अपने कौशल और जीत के लिए लड़ाई दिखाने के लिए रोबोट गेम - ट्रिग्राम रोबोट सूमो

सूमो रोबोट गेम

Started in 2019, ट्रिग्राम रोबोट सूमो is a team-based international robot competition where participants are divided into two teams and compete against each other. It is a contest that showcases individual abilities and teamwork skills.

The participating students are required to design and build their own robot for the competition, and perform on-site adjustments to demonstrate their robot's abilities on the challenge platform. The competition aims to promote AI innovation education for students, and cultivate their hands-on and teamwork skills. It has been recognized as one of the most exciting events in various youth science and technology activities.

The competition is conducted in a team format, with each team consisting of 2 participating students (one robot for each student) and 1-2 coaching teachers. There are two categories: primary school and secondary school. Participating students must be currently enrolled in primary or secondary school on the day of the competition. As an inter-school competition, each team represents their respective school, so as long as they are students from the same school, they can form a team to participate.

The competition robots have two modes of operation: programming-based autonomous navigation and remote control-based combat. Four robots simultaneously complete the autonomous navigation challenge and remote control-based combat.

Participants need to start their robots from their respective starting areas simultaneously upon the referee's starting signal, showcasing their abilities and working together with their teammates to compete for the only life value point of this competition. Collision interception against opponents on the platform is a normal method of winning the game. Teams that obtain life value points can get an immediate chance to resurrect their robots during the current match, which becomes invalid after the game.

After starting the autonomous navigation mode, the robot needs to walk automatically to the center of the platform and stop completely in the center of the stage.

डबल एलिमिनेशन टूर्नामेंट

The competition is divided into preliminaries and finals. The preliminaries adopt an elimination system, with each match using a BO3 format (best-of-three, win 2 rounds). The winners of the preliminaries go to the finals, while the losers compete in a revival match. The winner of the revival match will enter the finals (the revival match may or may not be retained depending on the team's situation).

The finals are knockout matches, with each match using a best-of-three, two-wins format. The final determines the first, second, and third place winners.

Each match has a time limit of 1 minute. If neither team can win when the time is up, the match is declared a draw. If after three matches no winner can be determined, the teams' total weight of all robots will be compared, and the team with the lightest robot total weight wins.

Watch the robot game video:  वीमेक ट्रिग्राम रोबोट सूमो 2023 - YouTube

If you are interested in the robot game - ट्राइग्राम रोबोट सूमो, send an पूछताछ now for more details and for registration!